This page covers awards and nominations for Shadowy Men and the members' other projects.

Juno logo
Juno Awards

Note for non-Canadians: The Junos are the CARAS (Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) year-end awards in the same way the Grammys are the awards for NARAS (National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences) in the US.

Instrumental Artist(s) Of The Year - 1992
(winner highlighted)

Instrumental Artist(s) Of The Year - 1994
(winner highlighted)

Genie logo
Genie Awards

Note for non-Canadians: The Genies are the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television year-end film awards in the same way the Oscars are the awards for the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences in the US.

Achievement in Music - Original Score - 2001
(winner highlighted)

Blizzard logo
Blizzard Awards

Note for non-Manitobans: The Blizzard Awards are presented by the Manitoba Motion Pictures Industries Association.

Best Musical Score - 2001
(winner highlighted)